Christie marks two years for its Tiles

November 11, 2011 by Dave Haynes

Christie Digital’s PR team sent a note around Thursday rolling up the big moments for its MicroTiles product, which is two years old as …

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Visit Norway, from your subway seat

November 11, 2011 by Dave Haynes

[vimeo id=”31475670″ width=”600″ height=”350″] A couple of students at the Miami Ad School are getting some attention online for an advertising project that uses …

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Guest Post: Digital Signage and the Internet of Things

November 1, 2011 by Bas Smeets

The technical community has been talking for a while now about the coming Internet of Things – when our business and personal lives see …

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QR codes that spit back personalized responses

October 27, 2011 by Dave Haynes

The retail tech site Storefront Backtalk has a piece up about what’s promoted as a new generation of QR code scanning technology that goes …

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3M’s new VAS service helps creators optimize video content

October 20, 2011 by Dave Haynes

3M is starting to make some noise again in the digital signage space – the latest being the development and release of technology that …

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A wind turbine that would double as a digital billboard

October 15, 2011 by Dave Haynes

Spotted on EarthTechling via TechCrunch: The guys behind the Segway, but more to the point a pile of life-improving  medical devices, have applied for …

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rAVe: Multitouch debuts 55-inch multi-user touch display

October 13, 2011 by rAVe Publications

The Finnish firm MultiTouch has announced the introduction of what it is calling the world’s largest integrated multi-user LCD multitouch display, the MultiTaction Cell 55. The …

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rAVe: Videotel Markets DVD Player for Digital Signage

October 12, 2011 by rAVe Publications

Dubbed the HD2600, Videotel’s latest DVD player outputs 720p (and up-scaled 1080p) via HDMI and includes DS features such as auto starts, auto plays …

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rAVe: A paper-thin poster AND speaker

October 11, 2011 by rAVe Publications

Editor’s note: With speakers already very small (think tablets) there may be limited application for this in OOH and Digital OOH settings, but it …

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GoGo getgets lotto machine giant as ad partner

October 11, 2011 by Dave Haynes

The lottery business has long been seen by business development guys as one of those sectors they’d love to crack the code on, and …

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RIP Steve Jobs

October 6, 2011 by Dave Haynes

In early 1984 I wandered up to, I think, the 7th floor of the old Eaton’s department store building in Winnipeg and found my …

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Gadget news: DirectX 11, Raspberry Pi

September 27, 2011 by Dave Haynes is relaying news that AMD has released a new graphics processor chip that’s optimized for the high-end video and motion graphics needs of …

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