CODA's next breakfast club meeting on content

May 16, 2008 by Dave Haynes

The Canadian Out-of-home Digital Association started a breakfast series recently aimed at educating members and also drawing in new potential members. The date, location …

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Mobile ad CPMs well above those for DS marketplace

May 16, 2008 by Dave Haynes

Mobile advertising is a very different kettle of fish than digital screens, but there are things to be learned from what’s happening in that …

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The industry cull is underway

May 16, 2008 by Dave Haynes

I have been hearing lots of stories lately about networks in Canada and the US huffing and wheezing away as they try to generate …

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Adcentricity makes US foray official; opens office in Manhattan

May 16, 2008 by Dave Haynes

Adcentricity founder Rob Gorrie has been spending most of his time in New York for at least a couple of months now, but his …

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Accenture study looks at shift to ubiquitous media

May 15, 2008 by Dave Haynes

Consulting monster Accenture has a a new report out about the future of content strategy, and the evolution from conventional media to a digital …

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A different spin on hospital screens

May 14, 2008 by Dave Haynes

There are any number of companies putting screens in hospital clinic waiting areas, as revenue generating  plays, and other institutions putting screens in as …

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Ingram Micro starts tech fair tour in Great White North

May 14, 2008 by Dave Haynes

The first of three digital signage technology days that Ingram Micro is running around the country this month went off in Toronto yesterday, with …

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Linux guy sought by BroadSign

May 12, 2008 by Dave Haynes

My guys up the road in Montreal are looking for someone with Linux expertise to join the Solutions team. This is the post on …

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Fasten your seatbelts, you're in for a wild press release read

May 9, 2008 by Dave Haynes

It has been a while since someone was out with a press release that whipped air into a big frothy pile of not very …

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CODA's next breakfast session planned

May 7, 2008 by Dave Haynes

I missed the last (and first) Canadian Out-of-home Digital Association breakfast seminar session last week – partly because e-mail mistakes meant I didn’t know …

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PumpTop declares big dog status

May 7, 2008 by Dave Haynes

Adtek Media says it now has some 6,000 LCD screens mounted on top fuel pumps at gas stations across the US, making its PumpTop …

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Titan turns on staff-facing network

May 7, 2008 by Dave Haynes

How many companies do you know in this industry that eat, breathe, think this stuff but don’t even have screens in their own lobbies? …

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