Building The List: Who Does Digital Signage Creative?
August 29, 2012 by Dave Haynes
I get asked all the time about who to talk to about digital signage creative, and I always say it’s a surprisingly short list. There are very, very few companies whose primary business is producing creative for digitally-networked screens.
So I thought I would build up the list, and share it around here.
There are a few categories, and a few that don’t count. I’m not looking for software and services companies that have creative people on staff or contract. I’m not looking for syndicated content companies. And I am not looking for creative shops that would do digital signage if it fell in their collective laps. Some of the best creative seen in this space gets done by companies that rarely or ever use the term digital signage.
I’m looking here for the pure play (or as close as it gets) guys who are a day to day part of the ecosystem and spend much of or all their time producing creative work that shows up on digital signage screens as ads or other content.
I assume I am forgetting some companies, and looking for people to chime in and I will add (if they do indeed fit). Send me notes or use the comments to add your two cents.
Creative Shops
Met Hodder’s ScreenGuru
photo credit: vancouverfilmschool via photo pin cc
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