Content shop takes on Accuweather, others, with new no-logo service
October 1, 2009 by Dave Haynes
This is an interesting move by Screenfeed, which has been quickly building up a business in providing a different spin on content feeds for screen networks.
The Minneapolis company (disclosure: a writing client) is effectively changing the perceived rules for getting weather content from a content provider, like Accuweather, by offering feeds that don’t have the provider’s logo slapped on every screen. It could be argued that a source’s logo adds credibility to the weather reports, but I am not sure how many people question the accuracy of weather sources and it can be a source of irritation when networks are paying BIG for the service.
The company also works more like a pay as you go wireless company than the big guys, requiring no terms on subscriptions. I have liked these guys since they started because they are doing things differently, most notably relying much more on visuals and offering all the content in full-screens instead of the segmented screen stuff that is far more common.
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