Packaging Up Content For The Market

June 3, 2016 by Dave Haynes


I’m not sold on the idea of digital signage marketplaces when it comes to selling software and gear, but where I do think it can make some real sense is for packaged-up content and creative.

Subscription content has clearly worked well for thriving companies like Screenfeed, and I think selling creative can work when the buyer has a really good sense of what they’ll get, as opposed to pay us $____, we’ll do a brief and storyboards and you’ll eventually get something you’ll hopefully like.

Rise Vision has been building out a marketplace for two or three years now, as a means of monetizing the otherwise free CMS it has been developing and support for years now. What caught my eye are packaged content/experience themes that are a bit like finished WordPress themes you’d buy off an online marketplace like Envato’s ThemeForest.

The idea is that an end-user who decides to go with Rise Vision for a CMS can go into the marketplace and effectively buy the content experience they want and need – like a donor wall.


For $2,750 USD, a user just buys the theme – sends in the pix and information it wants conveyed – and the Rise Vision creative services team pulls it together and delivers a finished product that works out of the zip file (or however they do it).

That number might seem like a lot, but an interactive donor wall experience developed from scratch by an agency or contractors in North America – at least – would likely cost several multiples of that $2,750 … and then someone has to get it to work happily with whatever the CMS platform may be.

I like the concept and the design is very good – though the staff photos from East Somewhere General probably won’t look as good as a bunch of A-List actors and actresses.

Insteo is building out its own store, which has some similarities but is also quite different – packaged up functionality apps, but editable by the user and not specified to one CMS.


  1. We’ve bought into the idea here at IntuiLab as well, just recently launching an Experience Marketplace ( for interactive content created using IntuiFace. Designers can give away their work for free to build exposure for their business or sell their work to build a small, new revenue source. Either way, the downloaded work can be used as-is or as a template. (In both cases, no additional service work is required. IntuiFace users make the changes themselves.) There are already a bunch of samples up there that can be repurposed for multiple verticals/audiences.

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