Here Are The Top Five 16:9 Digital Signage Stories Of 2015

December 29, 2015 by Dave Haynes

This has been a record year for site traffic, and not all that surprisingly the biggest month for visits and page views coincided with Digital Signage Expo – a period when there are a lot of of announcements and things to cover.

Looking at site stats, it’s clear that many people find their way to this site looking for options for their own digital signage projects. The top posts for 2015 were round-up pieces that lay out the different ways to do specific things.

It’s just as clear, as I’ve noted in the past, that the stuff almost no one reads has to do with appointments of middle managers and even executives at companies. Same goes for version updates on software platforms or things like new mounting brackets or versions of LCD panels. So I rarely, rarely write about them. Readers vote with their clicks.

Here are the top five posts for 2015 on Sixteen:Nine:


17 Slices Of Raspberry Pi For Digital Signage

This is a very popular round-up of the various software options for making signage work on a $35/$45 barebones micro-PC. A post on one of the companies with a Pi option is in the top 10.


18 Digital Signage Answers To Meeting Room Booking Nightmares

I think of Meeting Room Signs as the gateway drug to digital signage. Any large organization with multiple meeting spaces knows the pain of dealing with room bookings, availability and occupancy. Screens at doorways largely resolve that. Provide this base solution to an end-user company, and that end-user is quite possibly going to come back at some point asking about other signage solutions around the facility.


What Google’s Chromebox Means For Digital Signage

When one of the largest and most influential tech companies in the world starts marketing a solution and devices for digital signage, that tends to get attention. This post provides some context.


List: Android Options For Digital Signage

There are scores of native and web-based options to use low-cost ARM devices, running Android, as digital signage players. This popular post lays out the full list, as we know it.


List: Digital Signage Software Options For Chromebox & Google

As with the interest in Raspberry Pi devices, this round-up looks at the various software options for running a signage CMS and player using Chromeboxes and Chromebit sticks.

Also popular, but outside the top 5 as it was only released this fall, the first Sixteen:Nine Special Report – an in-depth, free report on Android and ARM For Digital Signage.



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