pressDOOH makes its debut
June 29, 2009 by Dave Haynes
MAJOR self-serving alert!
Well there’s a side of me that is resisting humping my own wares here, at all, but this passes my sniff test of something interesting (even if it’s involves me).
A press release and some bulk e-mail went out this morning about the company I have formed, called pressDOOH. It’s a media communications firm in the business of doing the writing – from press releases to case studies and white papers – for vendors and network operators in this space.
I have had numerous people ask me through the years about doing some writing for them, and have always done so as favours. But when circumstances led me to look at what new line of business to pursue, I kept going back to the writing idea. I ran it past a bunch of people while down at Infocomm and some more last week, and got a uniformly positive response from the mob.
In simple terms, there’s an awful lot of companies in this space and too few of them have the time or conventional resources to do all the writing work that’s needed to not only get noticed, but help with day to day marketing and communications. If a company hires a firm to do that, there is a very, very high likelihood the people at that firm have NO idea what the digital signage and DOOH industries are all about or what might push the buttons of the publishers and bloggers who watch and report on it. Part of your fee ends up being used to steadily educate the PR people.
So in comes old smarty-pants me, who at least kinda, sorta gets this space.
I have a major gig already lined up that will require a lot of my time (really cool idea), and some others percolating, so things are looking pretty good for Day 1.
The plan is to keep writing this blog, though it will be clear to clients that work generated from pressDOOH does not get a free pass on to here. I had a brief spell of madness when I was treating this thing like a news portal, but that’s not an area I want to play in.
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