Wi-Charge Adds A 9-Inch Shelf-Edge Display To Its Battery And Cord-Free Product Line

October 17, 2024 by Dave Haynes

The Israeli tech firm Wi-Charge has added a 9-inch flat panel display to its product line – larger than earlier models but like those, powered over the air without using cables or batteries.

Nine inches may seem small to digital signage people who now regard 55-inch flat panels as being small-ish, but these are intended for shelf-edges in retail. It’s an environment and scenario in which screens in store aisles need to be large enough to notice, but not eat up precious merchandising/stocking space.

The company also has 5 inch and 7 inch versions of its Wi-Spots, and has been talking about adding the 9-inch as its technology matured and made it possible to drive more pixels without cables or batteries. Wi-Charge has made it clear it wants to be a wireless power company and not a screen manufacturer, but is developing its own displays to demonstrate the capabilities and seed the market, while also trying to get pure-play screen manufacturers on board.

The technology, at the moment, does not support large displays, like the near ubiquitous 55s and 65s in retail, QSRs and mass transit hubs.

From PR:

The new 9-inch Wi-Spot, a 300% increase in size from the original Wi-Spot designs, further empowers brands and retailers to make their products stand out at the exact moment consumers are making a purchase decision. This latest upgrade highlights Wi-Charge’s unmatched pace of innovation in wireless power and further establishes it as the market leader.

While in-store retail media networks continue to grow rapidly, they are constrained by costly installations and limited to only where power outlets are available. Wi-Charge’s breakthrough wireless power eliminates the significant cost of installing in-store video marketing platforms by delivering electric power over the air. The Wi-Charge solution allows easy installation of video displays right next to the products and at eye level, where customers can engage with effective and timely marketing messages.

“Wi-Charge’s video displays have had a dramatic impact on product sales for leading CPG brands in a very short period of time,” says Richard Valdes, marketing director and new business development, The Retail Group. “We worked with a number of brands to rapidly install Wi-Spot’s at the store shelf to promote lactose-free, non-refrigerated milk, and they saw a 110% lift in sales. As a result, we plan to significantly expand the deployment of Wi-Spots across stores. I see a big future for Wi-Spots in retail.”

The new wirelessly powered 9-inch display size is thinner and sleeker, making it easier to place on store shelves or flush on refrigerator glass doors while delivering an innovative experience to customers.

“Retail media networks are like Google ads for in-store shopping, giving customers a final nudge in their buying journey,” says Ori Mor, co-founder and chief business officer, Wi-Charge. “To be effective, product information must be seamlessly delivered at eye level on the store shelf. Wi-Charge wireless power makes this possible, and the sales boost our customers see proves it. We’re thrilled to see Wi-Charge delivering tremendous benefits to retailers and brands.”

I did a podcast with CEO Ori Mor a couple of years ago …

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