Iconic Centre Pompidou Facade In Paris Converted To Giant Nike Video Promo During Upcoming Olympics

July 15, 2024 by Dave Haynes

The industrial-looking Centre Pompidou visual arts center and museum in Paris is getting a digital facade during the upcoming Olympics – part of an Art of Victory exhibition bankrolled by Nike and opening on July 24.

Nike, in PR, says it will “transform the Centre Pompidou’s iconic façade into a canvas that showcases groundbreaking stories of sport in one of Paris’ signature outdoor spaces, which will also play host to a series of sport experiences for all.”

I at first thought/assumed this was semi-transparent mesh LED cladding one side of the iconic building (and it may well be), but I came across a very similar project done using the building back in 2017, and that was using projection-mapping. I ruled that out for this because that tech is only visually effective when the sun goes down. But watching this video again, the shots are done as the sun is starting to set, so maybe …

Anyone know?

Here’s what was done back in 2017 …


Whatever the tech used, it is a massive canvas and will be hard to miss. The exhibit will run into mid August.

  1. Marc Amstoutz says:

    They’re using dot mesh LED like Leyard does with its Ecodot series. Pixel pitch available from 35 to 100mm. Paris is historically against digital signage (because of ecological reasons) so I don’t know how they managed to get this thing happened.

    1. Jean-Bruno Michaud says:

      Bonjour, c’est effectivement très compliqué pour l’affichage numérique à Paris et je le déplore personnellement car, par exemple, cela rendrait Pigalle, Blanche ou encore Montparnasse beaucoup plus joyeux et remplacerait les énormes graffitis sans intérêt. C’étaient des quartiers traditionnellement animés par des créations en néon assez spectaculaires qui contrastaient avec la grisaille ! Paris ville lumière ? De moins en moins…Superbe installation sur Beaubourg en tout cas, du jamais vu dans la capitale, merci Nike ! (les rentrées d’argent font des miracles 😊).

      1. Dave Haynes says:

        Translation: Hello, it is indeed very complicated for digital signage in Paris and I deplore it personally because, for example, it would make Pigalle, Blanche or Montparnasse much happier and would replace the huge uninteresting graffiti. They were neighborhoods traditionally animated by rather spectacular neon creations that contrasted with the greyness! Paris city of light? Less and less…Superb installation on Beaubourg in any case, never seen before in the capital, thank you Nike! (Cash receipts work miracles 😊).

  2. Marc Amstoutz says:

    Estimated around 150x30m, it would totalize 4500sqm of display area and be operated for one year, at least. Total power consumption would be around 420kW on average and 1265kW max (full white).

    1. Jean-Bruno Michaud says:

      Très intéressant ! En espérant que son exploitation dure le temps des travaux du centre

      1. Dave Haynes says:

        Translations: Very interesting! Hoping that its operation will last for the time of the center’s work

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