Impressions And Lotsa Pix From Last Night’s Industry Mixer In Barcelona
January 30, 2024 by Dave Haynes
The 2024 digital signage industry mixer went off nicely last night in Barcelona – with a packed house and, finally, a tech-driven check-in process.
Miguel Fonseca, the CEO of Displax and a founder of sister company Moviik, hand-carried a kiosk unit in a backpack from Braga, Portugal to Barcelona – so we didn’t repeat the missing tech issue that meant no kiosks, as planned, at DSE a weeks ago.
It worked beautifully. One small unit at the entry spitting out labels, instead of having to pre-print and lay out hundreds of labels on tables. Amazing!
Sponsor Videri again brought in a pile of displays and filled up the room and entry with sync’d content, which was produced with the help of another sponsor, Screenfeed.
I pretty much lost my voice chatting with so many people through the night, but it came back later with the therapeutic assistance of red wine.
Thanks again to all the sponsors who make the event possible.
Here are some pix. There was a pro shooter there, as well, so I will post some of those undoubtedly better ones when they come available.
Gotta clean myself up and head to the show. I got my ISE 2024 badge yesterday so am hoping access will be easy-ish.
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