Video: Fantastic Application Of In-Store Digital And Experience At Warsaw Concept Store
December 21, 2020 by Dave Haynes
This is a video that walks viewers through the pretty fantastic digital retailing set-up for the Warsaw concept and flagship store of the apparel retailing chain Modivo. I wrote about this a few weeks ago, but only had images to work off.
The store is HEAVILY driven by digital, from LED on the store’s mall concourse facade to a ton of narrow-bezel LCD on the walls.
The store has no traditional sales floor or merchandising – just a lounge where shoppers sit down and sort through one of the available touchscreens. Shoppers select what they want to try out or at least look at, get a QR code on their phone and walk over to the dressing rooms.
This area is the front-end of an automated warehouse. You get access to one of the rooms, and a hidden door at the rear delivers the chosen SKUs in a locker. There’s a touchscreen to manage how the room sets up, like lighting, to order different sizes or colors, or contact an associate.
This is the polar opposite of how most apparel retailing is done, with racks and tables all over a store and shoppers bringing their own selections to the dressing area to try on.
We’ve all seen concept retailing ideas like virtual mirrors, endless aisle touchscreens on the sale floor and touch screens in dressing areas, but it is rare to see something like this fully built out and operating.
The store was put together on a technical level by the local digital signage solutions provider Nanovo.
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