ISE Says It Is Staying The Course With Plans; Warns Against Communing With Animals
February 5, 2020 by Dave Haynes
Here’s the latest update and point of view from ISE’s show managers Integrated Systems Events, and the executive staff of show owners AVIXA and CEDIA, regarding Coronavirus health concerns with next week’s show.
The collective group says it is “continuing to monitor this fast-moving situation through the advice of public health authorities. We wish to reassure our exhibitors, attendees and staff that health and safety is our paramount concern as we consider the decisions around the Integrated Systems Europe show.”
Our determination to proceed with the exhibition has been made with consideration to current guidelines provided by public health authorities including the World Health Organization (WHO). It currently does not warn against travel, except in and out of China.
We understand and support that our exhibiting partners will make their decisions based on the best course of action for their employees and their customers. If the expertise of the global health community recommends a different course of action, we will immediately implement these changes.
Today, as advised by the WHO, the ISE team, as well as those at the RAI Amsterdam Convention Centre, have put the following precautions into effect:
- Respecting travel restrictions where they may exist
- Health information and first-aid points will be prevalent across the RAI
- Additional hand sanitising facilities and hygiene recommendations will also be made available
As well as for all on-site attendees and personnel to follow these precautions:
- Avoid close contact with people suffering from acute respiratory infections
- Frequent hand washing, especially after direct contact with ill people or their environment
- Avoiding unprotected contact with farm or wild animals … Ed: So, ummm, OK … for those with twisted senses of humor, don’t even go there with the unprotected contact thing ;-]
- People with symptoms of acute respiratory infection should practice cough etiquette (maintain distance, cover coughs and sneezes with disposable tissues or clothing, and wash hands)
- Avoid handshaking or excessive contact, a simple verbal greeting, or fist bump will do
If the expertise of the global health community recommends a different course of action to protect everyone from the spread of this disease, then rest assured we will immediately adjust our response and implement their instructions.
I am hearing lots of anecdotal stuff about companies keeping key execs back at home and sending regional people, and some people on the bubble about going, waiting for the weekend to see where things are at with the Coronavirus spread and count.
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