Gear: BrightSign Says New Solid State Players Rival PCs

October 12, 2012 by Dave Haynes

BrightSign has added what looks to be a pretty powerful new line of media players, positioning them as solid state devices that can do all the heavy lifting of PC-based solutions.

“This is a major milestone for BrightSign, and we believe our new XD products will reshape the competitive landscape of our industry,” suggests Jeff Hastings, CEO of BrightSign. “Historically, PC-based signage solutions have held certain advantages compared to solid-state players, but today we?re leveling that playing field. Our solution offers the robust functionality that PC-based solutions are known for, but with the dramatic cost advantages and unparalleled reliability of a purpose-built signage solution.”

Hastings’ team is arguing that the XD products are the industry’s first solid-state players to offer video and other multimedia capabilities that rival x-86 PC solutions. “This includes the ability to display Live HDTV broadcast content using an ATSC/Clear QAM tuner or HDMI input. The ATSC tuner is used to play cable TV or closed-circuit TV broadcasts, and the HDMI input is used to play any broadcast content – even HDCP-protected content.”

“All models include an advanced video decoding engine with superior scaling technology that delivers pristine 1080p60 video and supports 3D content. The video engine is capable of decoding two 1080p60 videos or several lower-resolution videos simultaneously. All models support HTML5, so content creators can use familiar development tools to create engaging content. In addition, BrightSign’s usual touch-screen interactivity is enhanced with swipe/gesture control.”

There are three XD models, the most expensive one including the Live HDTV playback. Prices range from $450 to $700 and they will be shipping by December.

The units come with BrightSign’s own software or I believe they also run signagelive.


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