The perils of Google Alerts
June 15, 2010 by Dave Haynes
The thing about Google Alerts for keywords – like digital signage – is that it picks up everything from high quality insights from top industry minds to flotsam from robot sites. And everything in between. It all shows up, all day long, in your email inbox.
This morning, a few times, it has picked up a piece from CE Pro (Custome Electronics Pro magazine) on “5 Things to Know About Digital Signage.”
The five things you need to know are about as far removed from the five things you really need to know about digital signage as a tuning fork would be in Five Must-haves In Your Kitchen Drawer!
I have actually written a piece for this publication for the sole purpose of getting some useful information in there, but it was deferred until fall. I guess so this gem could run. Sheesh.
I started laughing when I read how one guy buys a SaaS solution for $250/year and turns around and resells it for $750. I hope his clients don’t read CE Pro.
“When you do one of these signs, there might be some space left over which can be used for ads,” adds another expert in the piece. “That vendor will actually pay you to put up those ads so you’re kind of like a mini-Google. Think of that as ad revenue.”
Oh bother. This is how the entry-level market is being educated.
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